Harringtons Just 6 Salmon & Sweet Potato Dry Dog Food 2kg

by Harrington's

We use only the finest freshly prepared Salmon in our slow baked food, blended with farm grown vegetables and oils rich in vitamins and nutrients to create a healthy food your dog will love. This product is formulated without grain, but is processed on a line handling grain. Proudly made in the UK, 50% freshly prepared salmon, with slow baked kibbles for extra crunch & taste, Grain free. A complete dry pet food for adult dogs aged 8 weeks onwards.


Salmon (35%, 50.4% Freshly Prepared Salmon in the slow baked Kibble* 10% in overall blend, 25% Salmon Meal), Vegetables (33.3%, 22.6% Dried Sweet Potato, 10.7% Dried Peas), Dried Potato (25%), Rapeseed Oil (4%), Vegetable Stock (2.4%), Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, Slow baked Kibble 20% of the blended diet

Nutritional Information

Typical Values

Analytical Constituents:



Fat Content


Crude Ash


Crude Fibre


Additives (Per Kg):

Nutritional Additives:

Vitamin A

16,000 iu

Vitamin D3

1,600 iu

Vitamin E

500 mg

Manganese (as Manganous Oxide)

96.7 mg

Iron (as Iron Sulphate Monohydrate)

40 mg

Zinc (as Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate)


Zinc (as Zinc Chelate of Amino Acids Hydrate)

30 mg

Copper (as Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate)

5 mg

Iodine (as Calcium Iodate Anhydrous)

2.1 mg

Selenium (as Sodium Selenite)

0.13 mg

Slelenium (as Organic Selenium

Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, Selenised Yeast Inactivated)

0.017 mg

Antioxidants - Tocopherol rich extracts of natural origin

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