IAMS for Vitality Puppy Food Large Breed with Fresh Chicken 2kg

by Iams

IAMS for Vitality for large breed puppies with Fresh Chicken is a 100% complete and balanced puppy food with up to 85% of animal protein (out of total protein). With no fillers, artificial colors, flavors or GMOs and a wheat free recipe (produced in a factory that handles wheat). Crunchy kibbles and tailored mineral levels for healthy teeth, Puppy food lovingly developed with vets and over 70 years of experience.


Dried Chicken & Turkey 24% (including Chicken 14%), Maize, Maize Grits, Fresh Chicken (6.5%), Animal Fat, Rice, Chicken Gravy, Dried Beet Pulp (2.8%), Fish Meal, Fish Oil, Minerals, Brewer's Dried Yeast, Dried Whole Egg, Fructooligosaccharides (0.20%)

Allergy Information

Free From Wheat

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